Fight Song
I want to start this blog with this picture. Of course the color of his shorts caught my eye. Then I saw his shirt said something. Wow. Great message for life and this weekend. And he is getting after it.
This is the decent before Doomsday!
Bloomsday was a healing weekend. Two weeks ago I sliced my knee falling on a trail run. I knew I was tired from the Grizzly Triathlon I did two days before. My calves were tired. On the decent, didn't pic up my feet and stumbled, landed on my knee, hand and rolled down the hill. First thought that went through my mind was "shit" second thought-"these are my favorite capri's and new compression socks." I walked the rest of the way down and didn't realize how bad it was cut until I hopped in the shower. Long story short, after a Tetanus shot, glue and tape, I was put together. For those of you that have not had the glue experience, let me tell you-it is painful. It burns and you almost pee. It felt like I gave birth out of my knee-I have never given birth, but I heard it hurts and last longer, but this is my equivalent. I named my bum knee home slice! Here is some of his evolution.
A full week off. I haven't taken that much time off since 2008. When I wasn't really active. I actually kind of miss those days. So, Aleve cocktails, ice and Netflix for me. Long story short, 2 miles on the elliptical, modified swim practice and some yoga the next week was the limit. I felt like a champion on those 2 miles. I was so happy everything felt right and nothing hurt per se. Yoga helped me surrender those moments when I wanted to roll up my mat when my ego was trying to get the best of me. Frustrated two weeks ago I was balancing my body on one leg/arm and now I was struggling in Warrior. Leave it on the mat.
Without going into too many details, my Tri Partner in Crime lost her sister-in-law two weeks ago. Fourteen months prior, her brother's family lost a child. Can't imagine-well, actually I can-sadly. I helped my own brother bury his wife 7 months ago and helped him bury a child 10 years ago. Let me tell you, time does not heal all wounds and I will punch anyone in the mouth that says so. When is it enough for one person to handle that much pain. Diedra and I bonded in many ways, and sadly this way as well. Pain is raw and it is real. It will cut you to the core and leave you battered and bloodied and pushes you to levels that you never imagined, only to take you further. And it's not fair. Today, I helped my friend say good-bye to her sister-in-law. I saw her sister-in-law's daughter with Diedra's brother and it broke my heart. Just like I did 7 months ago and 10 years ago with my own family. I hope that she knows she can lean on me for this pain and the continued questions of why this happens to people.
I am so glad Diedra came to get away and have some fun this weekend. Bloomsday is a girls weekend. Diedra dedicated the Doomsday hill to her brother. And she killed it up the huge hill. It was great to have girl time, laugh, cry and make a huge dent at lululemon. Glad I could take her to the motherland of all stores for the first time this weekend. Running your card at your favorite store heals wounds, both visible and invisible. I actually got two big bags....and I need a part time job now. I can only hope that she will continue this fun weekend with me in the future.
Thank you to BS Tutus & Designs for this! It also gave me a buffer from the crowd!
Fun Freaks!! Photo Credit: Sibyl Govan
I cried on this run. My goal was not to fall down or be pushed down. Or trip. I didn't take my watch. I ran on how my knee was feeling. I was surprised how good I felt. I started getting choked up at mile 7. I haven't ran more than 3 miles at a time since the LA Marathon really. And now I was running 7.46 on a healing knee and without training. I cried because I did it. I cried because I was healthy, I cried for my friend, I cried for her family. I know that I didn't lose a limb-I get it. But, as my friend Sibyl said, "it's devastating that your plans for the year may gone in an instant." Knock on wood I have never been injured really. So, this is new territory. I beat my time from the last time I did it. Was it my best time ever on that race? No. But, it was by far the most rewarding. It will be a bit before the bursa is completely healed and I will still be very cautious with it. I am just thankful it wasn't worse and I can get started back at what I love-with my Tri Partner in Crime at my side.
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